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Can I Go to a Concert 9 Months Pregnant

Are you expecting and wondering if it's going to be okay attending concerts pregnant? Here are lots of good tips to have a great time and feel while going to a concert when you're expecting.

How to attend a concert pregnant

Attending a Concert While Pregnant

I debated long and hard if I wanted to blog this date, it goes way back to when I was 7 months pregnant. But, I actually had someone tag me on Facebook after a friend asked thoughts about attending concerts while pregnant and then had a lot of follow-up questions.

So, I decided even though I need to warn you that concerts only allow cell phone pictures, in the dark. And that you can expect nothing but blurry strange lighting and super low quality, I still wanted to share some thoughts and experiences being pregnant and attending a concert. Also, I want to include my tips for attending concerts while pregnant.

Going to a Concert Pregnant

Jacob and I love concerts, we're big music fans, and we're both mostly into the alternative, indie, and modern rock bands. There's nothing like live music to make you feel energized, young, and full of adrenaline! We went and saw one of our favorite bands, Imagine Dragons, on their first tour a few years ago in a small venue with a bunch of humble guys who were in shock they had made it big.

Fast forward to last summer, they were even bigger, touring their second major album, and still humble and as amazing as ever. It was hard to pass up going!

Attending concerts while pregnant

I had my list of concerns, but here are my tips for anyone who is debating going and needs to know you can work through all of them and have an awesome time!

Tips for Attending Concerts While Pregnant

1. Buy a seat you can sit in. This helps you not be so tired, and control feet swelling. Don't be afraid to prop them up.

2. Buy a box seat or one at the front of a section. People will stand in front of you and it's hard to see. This solves for you missing out on the concert behind everyone else.

3. If you can't get a great seat, ask if they have any disability spots open. I didn't anticipate the SUPER drunk, rude, and messy sorority girls near us. After the beer was flung one too many times at me plus the stress of watching them almost dance off the steep sloped steps (yikes, don't drink kids!), I went and asked and the nicest security guy if there was anything we could do and he escorted us from the nosebleeds down to an awesome area with a great view where there were others expecting, with broken legs, etc. I wish I would have called to book my tickets and asked to have been there in the first place.

Can Pregnant Women Go to Concerts?

4. Hydrate before you go, but plan to buy some water there too. It's easy to get dehydrated singing along!

5. Show up a little late, and leave a little early to avoid the biggest crowds and being bumped.

6. Baby's hearing will be fine, and I actually read several studies going to loud events helps them sleep better on the outside. We knew we'd keep dating and there would be noise in our lives, so we tried to heed this! He loved dancing along to this concert.

We started the night off at one of our favorite places in Phoenix, Gadzooks.

Concerts When Pregnant

Do yourself a favor and put it on your list if you're ever in Phoenix. It's always amazing! It was so amazing that I ate all my food and was feeling pretty full as we left. The baby had grown quite a bit this week, and I was realizing I was going to need to eat less food more frequently. I also downed a lot of water since they restrict it at concerts. I was feeling a new kind of full I'd never experienced.

Our funny story is I had a water bottle sealed, and they told me I couldn't bring it in, where typically they do. Apparently high profile concerts they change up the restrictions. I went to down the full half liter bottle on top of already feeling full and got in the security line. I kept telling Jacob I felt queasy.

I'd never felt the kind of pressure I was experiencing. Right as we walked past security I felt it all coming up- and I ran over to a large garbage can in the middle of the entrance and my stomach emptied all the water I had just drank and the water from dinner. Instant relief! I felt much better and told Jacob I was fine and ready to go to the concert. His eyes were huge, he was like, UM REALLY? But I was fine and excited to feel relief, and we walked on.

A few feet later he told me people were staring at my quick vomiting and walking on. I didn't realize how shocking that must be, you just kind of deal with things like that pregnant and think nothing of it. He told me several looked at me like I was a trashy drunk pregnant woman still at a concert, and a little in shock to see me act like it was no big deal. I'm still laughing about this to this day!

Attending Concerts While Pregnant

After the incident above where I was a little fearful of how drunk and wild the very young girls around us were, and asked security if we could do anything, we went to the greatest seats. From there I was able to really enjoy one amazing concert up close and with my feet up!


Oh and frontman Dan Reynolds even said he was super sick and almost canceled. So if this is him sick, you can only imagine how awesome is at 100%!


So the moral of the story, if you want to attend an amazing concert for a date night when you're in your last trimester, don't let pregnancy stop you! Maybe just go easy on how many enchiladas you eat before you go, otherwise, it may take you until your child is 5 months old to want to talk about it.

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