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The Unbelievable Way 3 Men Found Out They Were Triplets Separated as Babies

Growing up, when Melanie Mertzel mentioned that she was an identical twin, strangers sometimes asked if she and her sister ever traded places similar in the movie "The Parent Trap."

"Mostly, I said 'Aye,'" Mertzel, 55, told The Post, noting that it was easier that way.  "But now, at this stage in my life, I'll them what happened."

Her remarkable story — growing up separately from the sister she knew nothing nigh — is featured in the new volume "Deliberately Divided: Inside the Controversial Written report of Twins and Triplets Adopted Apart" (Rowman & Littlefield), by California psychologist Nancy Segal, out at present.

Mertzel described the "horrific" style in which she and her sibling, Ellen Carbone, became unwitting "republic of guinea pigs" in a warped study led by the prominent psychiatrists Peter Neubauer and Viola Bernard. The New York Urban center physicians performed their hush-hush experiments on children given up for adoption between 1960 and 1978.

The new book"Deliberately Divided: Inside the Controversial Study of Twins and Triplets Adopted Autonomously" by Nancy Segal talks to several twins involved in the experiment.

They worked with the Jewish adoption bureau Louise Wise Services, located on East 94th Street in Manhattan. The multiples were sent to different families without the cognition of their biological mothers — and the adoptive parents were never told that their new infants had identical siblings.

According to Segal, who is a twin herself, "blind scientific ambition" fueled the doctors' determination to settle the "nature versus nurture" question for good.

Neubauer and Bernard'due south techniques, mostly carried out by psychology students who visited families in their homes, included comparing the IQs of the estranged siblings, monitoring their physical dexterity and dissecting their personalities through methods such as the Rorschach inkblot test.

"The idea was to get a consummate picture show of the child," Segal said. "It's an ideal experiment to written report twins raised apart from birth, but to intentionally separate them is morally unacceptable."

The scheme gained notoriety in 2018 with the release of the documentary "Three Identical Strangers," which focuses on triplets Edward Galland, David Kellman and Robert Shafran.

Louise Wise Services initially insisted the separation was due to the difficulty of placing three babies in 1 dwelling house. It later emerged that the boys were purposefully sent to different families — one blue collar, one centre grade, and i wealthy — to see how they adult in the varying environments.

Each of the trio dealt with long-term mental health problems and Galland killed himself in 1995.

The brothers discovered the truth after two of them met as students and a third brother came forward after learning nigh the case in the media.

Mertzel and Carbone, meanwhile, were reunited by chance when Carbone's aunt spotted her niece's doppelganger at an IHOP in Brooklyn.

"I called upwards Ellen and was shocked by how much she sounded like me," recalled Mertzel, who lives in Queens. The so-23-yr-olds noticed they had the same express joy and that their gait and gestures were strikingly like.

"It was surreal, crazy and exciting," said Carbone, of Lyndhurst, NJ. "I'd always wanted a sister."

Their shocked parents were largely fobbed off by the staff at LWS when they tried to get answers. The agency admitted to Carbone's mother that her girl (whose maiden name is Lieber) was a twin and suggested to Mertzel's that the splitting up of the two babies was, as Segal writes, "for the best."

The writer describes how the Mertzels wanted to protect their daughter by keeping information technology a "family hole-and-corner." The Liebers were more relaxed about things, welcoming Mertzel for visits every bit the immature women'southward friendship adult.

But information technology hasn't been easy. Mertzel revealed how she oftentimes feels jealous of twins who were raised together.

"I used to say that the person who should be the closest to me, is a stranger to me," she said. "Sometimes, I'd say to Ellen, 'I wish I'd never met you then I didn't know about this.'"

Ellen Carbone and Melanie Mertzel in 1989 when they were united at 21 years old.
NEW: When Mertzel and Carbone start met, they were amazed by their physical similarities, which included having very long tongues.
Stephen Yang

Equally for the study, the duo compared notes about having each been visited by groups of researchers earlier, as Segal said, "aging out" of the plan at 12.

"I didn't like them coming as I just wanted to be with my friends," Carbone recalled to The Post. Conversely, Mertzel said: "As the third child in the family unit, I enjoyed it because of the attention."

The Queens-based sister described how their suspicions were aroused since both had been subjected to the tests. "Nosotros thought something was up."

They later found out that their moms and dads had consented to the enquiry, generally nether duress. Equally Segal puts it, the parents were aware of the "strong implication" that LWS might halt the adoption process if they failed to comply.

It wasn't until 2007 that Mertzel and Carbone unearthed the sinister reason they'd been pulled apart. One of their relatives showed them a book called "Identical Strangers" that examined the inner workings of the Neubauer written report. The psychiatrists' experiment had originally been uncovered in 1995 by an investigative announcer working for The New Yorker magazine.

"I feel similar they messed with Mother Nature," Mertzel said.

Despite the all-time efforts of reporters in the mid-1990s, the facts remained murky, particularly because the institutions involved in the scandal — including the Jewish Board of Guardians, now the Jewish Board of Family unit and Children's Services, where Neubauer served between 1951 and 1985 — lawyered up and dodged questions.

Allison Kanter (left) and Michele, 3 months after being reunited.
Allison Kanter (left) and twin Michele Mordkoff were overjoyed to observe each other. Sadly, Mordkoff passed abroad in June.

The results of the study, which, Segel writes, has since drawn comparisons to the notorious twin experiments past the Nazis under Josef Mengele, were never published. That was a determination made by Neubauer, who defended his methods until his 2008 expiry at the age of 94, every bit he allegedly predicted that public opinion would detect them agonizing.

His records are sealed at the Yale University Library until Oct. 25, 2065, a date likely picked since about of the twins would have died past then. Only if the youngest subjects lived to the age of 99 would they be able to run into their data. However, some 100,000 pages had been released by 2018. To the twins' frustration, the data was heavily redacted and inconclusive.

More sixty years afterward the enquiry began, it'south impossible to know precisely how many twins and triplets were separated. Based on her own research, Segal believes in that location are at to the lowest degree 23 cases.

The fallout has taken its toll on Mertzel and Carbone, who work in the administration departments of two different hospitals. They concede that their interaction has been "complicated" as they've struggled to come to terms with the by.

Allison (left) and Michele as young girls growing up apart.
Kanter (left) and Michele every bit immature girls growing up apart.

"Somebody suggested the reason we have difficulties and arguments as adults is considering nosotros never got the sibling rivalry and fighting out of our system every bit young children," Carbone told The Postal service.

Mertzel added: "What they did was but horrible."

Meanwhile, Sharon Morello, who was separated in 1966 from her identical twin (not named in Segal's volume as she declined to participate) when they were newborns, told The Post: "We were lied to and deceived — my heart only breaks for all of united states of america involved."

She reunited with her sister in 2015 after a filmmaker tracked them downwardly and put them in touch. The sisters initially got on. Recalling their commencement encounters in "Deliberately Divided," Morello says: "It was wonderful — from day one, it was like we knew each other. We clicked totally. We had lived parallel lives."

But the relationship crumbled within months. According to Morello, a teachers aide from Wayne, NJ, her sister began to resent her sibling'due south childhood in a relatively affluent habitation. The other twin's own adoptive family, who lived in a Bronx apartment, was more working class.

Sharon Morello was separated from her identical twin at birth. Although they reconnected, they have since been estranged for a few years.
Sharon Morello was separated from her identical twin as babies. Although they reconnected, they are at present estranged.
Stephen Yang

"A lot of the blame was on me," Morello, now 55, told The Postal service. "Only I didn't choose."

They likewise clashed when the other twin contacted their biological mother behind Morello'due south back, while pretending to adhere to their plan to brand the approach together.

"[Lack of] trust played a big office," Morello said of her subsequent estrangement from her twin. "She said some horrible things about me to our birth mom."

She claims that their nascency mother thought they were truthful. "I mean, why would she believe one stranger over some other?" Morello asked The Post.

The worst part, Morello said of her sister, was that "I lost her twice."

By dissimilarity, Allison Kanter, 57, of Calabasas, Calif., described her human relationship with her long-lost twin, Michele Mordkoff, as a "love affair."

Sharon and her twin sister as infants. The twin's birth mother wrote the caption under the photo. However, social workers did not decide to separate the twins -- that was the policy of Louise Wise Services.
Morello (right) and her twin sister as infants. The twin's nascence female parent wrote the caption under the photo. Withal, social workers did not decide to separate the twins -— that was the policy of Louise Wise Services.

Dissimilar the others, the two were fraternal twins who may have been mistaken equally identical. Their adoptive families were likewise kept in the night, but Neubauer excluded the girls from his report, presumably once he realized their Dna didn't match.

"Michele and I spoke nigh what happened and information technology was most equally if we were collateral harm," said Kanter, who offset met Mordkoff in Baronial 2018 at a Manhattan hotel. "They had an ulterior, sinister motive to divide the identical [babies,] only, for us, nosotros were like: 'What was our purpose?'"

Their shared emotions and experiences secured a touching bond between the 2 women. Kanter, a former jewelry designer, described it as "unbelievable" and "magical."

Mordkoff, who lived in Wayne, NJ, told her sis that she'd "e'er wanted to be a twin." Eerily, as a child she named her favorite doll Allison.  Then, at the age of six or seven, Mordkoff had pleaded with her parents to add the middle proper noun Allison to her nascence certificate.

"There'southward no rational explanation to it," Kanter said. "I recall information technology was something that was bigger than her."

California psychologist Nancy Segal wrote the book
Writer Nancy Segal is a psychologist in California.

Tragically, Mordkoff died of pancreatic cancer in June. Kanter visited as often as she could while her twin battled the affliction. Mordkoff would often say to Kanter: "Maybe this is the reason you came into my life — to support me and exist there for me."

Kanter, who has embraced her role as aunt to Mordkoff'due south two sons, said she treasured the short time they enjoyed together. The siblings shared a FaceTime session about viii hours before Mordkoff's expiry, and she appeared on screen in a T-shirt gifted by Kanter. Emblazoned across the front end: "Hooray for Sisters!"

Despite labeling Neubauer and his team "narcissistic" and "lacking human being values," Kanter said the pair was determined to appreciate the positives of their reunion.

"Nosotros were just marching along," Morello reflected. "We said: 'Let's only go on with our future together.'"

Meanwhile Segal, who interviewed seven Neubauer twins for her book, said that the discredited two-decades-long study "has taught us many lessons."

As she told The Mail: "Information technology remains a not bad instance of how non to do research."

The Unbelievable Way 3 Men Found Out They Were Triplets Separated as Babies
